few words about me

Welcome. If you are here it means you are interested in IT 🙂 My name is Martin Djonov and this blog will be all about infrastructure, architecture and cybersecurity.

My experience is gathered by working on many different products, most often as a lead engineer or consultant, but also I do have a PhD degree in Computer Science with focus on data, real-time processing and IoT. Products on which I have worked on:
– Togal.ai
– Spoke.ai
– Insynctive
– ESG Screen 17
– HSC Nord
– Hedgetrade
– Peerdom
– ASME / Techstreet
– Wristbanditz
– Trainer @ Semos education
– Consultant @ ZEGIN and Makpetrol

Topics I am interested and involved in are: Coding, CI/CD, Automation testing, Microservices, Event-driven architecture, Product design & User Experience, Product development, Databases and last but not the least, Company culture.

You can expect my posts in the following platforms, frameworks and technologies: React (Remix, Next), Angular, Node (Express, Fastify), AWS, GCP, Python, C#, Docker, RabbitMQ, DBs (Mongo, Postgre), Jest, Cypress, Terraform, CISSP and CEH.